DDBv2 How To Guides

Add Image Widget to DDBv2
1. Open the Admin options for the screen 2. Open the Widgets menu 3. Click Add New Widget 4. Click Add for the Basic Image Widget ...
Fri, 24 Jan, 2020 3:45 PM
Add Text Widget to DDBv2
  1. Open the Admin options for the screen 2. Open the Widgets menu 3. Click Add New Widget 4. Click Add for the Advanced Text Widg...
Fri, 24 Jan, 2020 3:45 PM
Add, Remove and Edit Tenants on DDBv2
When you log into DDBv2 and go to your screen, you should see the below in your web browser. 1. Adding A Tenant Click the ADD button and a new, empt...
Fri, 24 Jan, 2020 3:45 PM
Setup DDBv2 Integration
 Step 1  Make sure your player can access these two domains (you can check this just by going to these URL’s in a browser): https://au.digitaldirect...
Thu, 27 Aug, 2020 1:33 PM