DC Media has a number of display options to help you manage your players.
The list view helps give an overview of the status of the network.
The image below shows some of the functionality available when displaying your players in a list.

  1. Clicking this button toggles between the standard catalog view, and the list view shown.
  2. Clicking this button sets the website to display 100 players per page. You can reduce this to 25 or 50 using the buttons to the right. If you have more than one page, page buttons will appear to the right of the 100 button.
  3. Clicking this button toggles grouping. When players are grouped, you will see only see players and other folders in the current folder. Ungrouping means that all players, and no folders, are displayed, regardless of which folder the players might be in.
  4. These columns can be sorted into descending or ascending order by clicking on them.
  5. You can check items to apply bulk actions to them (see 6). The top checkbox will select/unselect all players.
  6. Use the dropdown box to select an action to apply to the selected players and submit to apply the action.